Sunday, December 15, 2013

New Music You Might Have Missed

Its mid-December. You're trying to figure out if there are any new PovertyMan songs since the previous post. You're experiencing various symptoms of withdrawal: you're agitated and can't sleep; you've been vomiting for what seems like hours and can't get your sponsor on the phone. Relax. Take a breath because there's good news. There are new songs. Over the summer I teamed up with Death*Star, the deadliest NerdCore trio since the massacre of jocks the government tried to cover up back in the mid 80's, to create what is arguably a song. Make sure you check out Death*Star's newest album, "The Prequel", to hear the masterfully crafted Mexican Stand-Off (feat. PovertyMan). The entire Death*Star catalog is amazing and worth checking out (and purchasing). Then if you weren't scared enough a song was released on this year's NerdCore Halloween Mixtape entitled "Back From the Dead". I'm happy to announce this is the first single from the upcoming PovertyMan album, "Crumbs for the Masses". Expect that to be released mid 2014. One last announcement for the PovertyManiacs out there. There will be an EP released early 2014 from long time collaborators PovertyMan and Sinister Sev. Stay tuned for more, you dirty dogs.

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